Agenda and minutes

Performance Management Board - Monday 20th July 2009 6.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Rosemary Cole 

No. Item


apologies for absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest


During discussion on agenda item 6 (Improvement Plan Exception Report (May 2009)) Councillor Mrs J. M. L. A. Griffiths declared a personal interest as a member of the Bromsgrove Arts Centre Operating Trust.


minutes pdf icon PDF 53 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Performance Management Board held on 15th June 2009 were submitted.


RESOLVED  that the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Annual Council Report 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Annual Council Report 2008/09.


It was noted that the report illustrated the significant improvements which had been achieved over the past twelve months and felt that the work undertaken by all those involved deserved recognition. 


During the discussion Members raised the issue of Fear of Crime and queried how this could be measured. The Assistant Chief Executive referred to the Place Survey which would be considered by the Board at its next meeting. It was acknowledged that there appeared to be a discrepancy between figures relating to actual level of crime in the District and public perception. It was also reported that whilst PACT meetings were felt to be effective by those attending, less than 50 percent of the population were aware of the meetings. The Assistant Chief Executive undertook to contact Chief Inspector Shaw to request more detailed information on the crime statistics and any “hotspots” which may be developing.


There was discussion in relation to attendance at the Bonfire event which was significantly below the target.


RESOLVED  that the performance achieved in 2008/09 be noted.



(a)       that in view of the concerns relating to perception of crime, the Portfolio Holder be requested to work with the Head of Service to examine whether there are any actions which can be taken to address this and whether there are any developing “hotspots”;

(b)       that in view of the low attendance at last year’s Bonfire event, the relevant Portfolio Holder be requested to work closely with the Head of Service to ensure the 2009 target is deliverable and that the appropriate preparations are made.






Integrated Sickness Absence Performance and Health & Safety Report pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the integrated report on Sickness Absence and Health and Safety for the period ended 31st May 2009.


The Assistant Chief Executive undertook to “strip out” from the figures the short term absences which go on to be long term absences as previously requested. 


It was reported that a specialist advisor was to review the systems and measures which the Council had in place to address sickness absence and that the outcome of this would be reported to the next meeting of the Board.


It was reported that in relation to possible absences in relation to the H1N1 virus, contingency plans were in place and were being reviewed. 



(a)       that the report be noted;

(b)       that it be noted that contingency plans are in place in relation to possible H1N1 virus related absences; and

(c)        that a further report be considered following the receipt of advice from the National/Regional Employers on the payment of occupational sick pay and any advice on the Council’s sickness absence procedures.


Performance Report (May 2009) pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report on the Council’s performance at 31st May 2009.


During the discussion Members referred to the number of missed household waste collections. It was noted that the Head of Street Scene and Community was anticipating that the figures would improve shortly as the public and workforce became fully accustomed to the changes to the green waste service.



(a)       that it be noted that 81% of performance indicators were stable or improving;

(b)       that it be noted that 73% of performance indicators which have a target were meeting their target as at the month end and 92% were projected to meet their target at the year end;

(c)        that the performance figures for May 2009 as set out in Appendix 2 be noted;

(d)       that the particular areas of improvement as set out in section 3.4 of the report be noted; and

(e)       that  the area of concern set out in section 3.5 be noted. 


RECOMMENDED   that further to (b) above, Portfolio Holders be requested to work closely with the relevant Head of Service to ensure that the projected outturn figures are appropriate, as the current projection of 92% of performance indicators meeting their targets at year end was considered too optimistic by the Board.


Improvement Plan Exception Report (May 2009) pdf icon PDF 144 KB


The Board considered the Improvement Plan Exception Report for May 2009.


During discussion on this item the Assistant Chief Executive updated the Board on the situation regarding the funding for the Train Station, including the historic dimension.


It was reported that it was anticipated that the Local Neighbourhood Partnership (LNP) for Charford would be going ahead, although the District Councillors for the area had declined an offer to attend. 



(a)       that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception report together with the corrective action being taken be approved;

(b)       that it be noted that for the 78 actions highlighted for May within the plan 76.9% of the Improvement Plan was on target (green), 3.85% was one month behind (amber) and 3.85% was over one month behind (red). 15.4% of actions had been reprogrammed or suspended with approval.


RECOMMENDED   that the arrangements to establish an LNP for the Charford area be proceeded with, notwithstanding the indication that the District Councillors for the area would not be participating.   


Improvement Plan 2009/2010 pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report on the new Improvement Plan for 2009/2010.


During the discussion Members queried the section relating to Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) and it was felt that it would be useful to include actions which would ensure work was not only undertaken quickly but that the work was of a high standard.


It was noted that within the section on the Reduction in the fear of Crime, reference was made to a Community Safety Partnership (CSP) action plan and it was felt it would be helpful if the Board could receive this in due course.


At the request of Members the Assistant Chief Executive undertook to circulate any existing Council HR Drugs and Alcohol Awareness Policy.   



(a)       that the Improvement Plan 2009/2010 be approved subject to the recommendation set out below; and

(b)       that  the Deputy Head of Street Scene and Community be invited to attend the next meeting of the Board in connection with the CSP action plan. 


RECOMMENDED   that additional actions be included within the Improvement Plan to ensure that work undertaken in relation to DFGs is carried out to a high standard.





Quarterly Recommendation Tracker pdf icon PDF 111 KB


Consideration was given to a report on the progress of decisions made by the Board since April 2008.


RESOLVED  that the information contained in the recommendation tracker be noted.


Work Programme 2009/2010 pdf icon PDF 66 KB


Consideration was given to a report on the Board’s proposed work programme for 2009/2010. As there would not be a meeting in August, the Assistant Chief Executive undertook to circulate to Members information on two Councils who had moved from a weak to an excellent rating as referred to at the previous meeting.


RESOLVED  that the work programme be approved, subject to the inclusion of the Housing Inspection Report and Updated Action Plan on the agenda for the October meeting.