Agenda and minutes

Performance Management Board - Tuesday 16th September 2008 6.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Rosemary Cole  Della McCarthy

No. Item


apologies for absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor S. R. Colella.


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.


minutes pdf icon PDF 39 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Performance Management Board held on 19th August 2008 were submitted.


RESOLVED  that the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Town Centre Update from Executive Director - Partnerships and Projects


The Executive Director Partnerships and Projects, Mr. P. Street gave a general update on the current situation with regard to the regeneration of the Town Centre and responded to Members’ questions.


 It was reported that the consultation period for the Issues and Options document would end on 18th September and that the consultation and accompanying questionnaire had been widely available through “Together Bromsgrove”, on the Council’s website and had been distributed at the Street Theatre events. The results of the consultations would be analysed and a preferred option would be identified for further consideration. This process was required to be undertaken in order to produce an Area Action Plan for inclusion in the Councils Core Strategy.


The Executive Director for Partnerships and Projects also reported on the current position regarding the potential redevelopment of the Market Hall site and the consequences for the current stall holders. It was intended to hold markets in the High Street together with the successful Farmer’s Market and other “themed” market events which had proved to be very popular. 


It was reported that work was progressing on the total refurbishment of the public toilets. The building itself was structurally sound but would be totally refurbished and would include a 24 hour unisex facility together with a High Dependency Unit.


Members were briefly updated on the possible development of the former Parkside School and Birmingham Road sites and plans to improve the surface of the High Street and its general appearance through rationalisation of the street furniture and improvements to the lighting.



(a)       that consideration be given to the grant of Licences of a minimum of six months duration to Market Hall Traders with a view to providing some certainty during the Christmas period; and

(b)       that in view of the intention to fully refurbish the existing toilet block building rather than to completely rebuild it, consideration be given to ring fencing the budget savings for use on other projects to improve the Town Centre  and that as part of the refurbishment consideration be given to improving the external appearance of the building.                           


Spatial Project Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report which detailed the progress made in respect of the implementation of the Spatial Project during the last month.


RECOMMENDED   that the Portfolio Holder be requested to meet with the Head of Service to mitigate any difficulties with regard to the Uniform element of the project in respect of Street Scene and Community.


RESOLVED  that the remainder of the report be noted and a further update be given at the next meeting of the Board.


Housing Strategy Action Plan Update pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report on progress made against the action plan produced in relation to the Housing Strategy 2006-2011. In particular reference was made to section 5.1 of the report which summarised the progress made towards meeting the key performance indicators for Strategic Housing.


The Strategic Housing Manager undertook to provide Members with information clarifying how disabled persons are prioritised under the Choice Based Lettings Scheme.


RESOLVED  that the progress report be noted.


Improvement Plan Exceptions Report (July 2008) pdf icon PDF 147 KB


The Board considered the Improvement Plan Exception report for July 2008, together with the corrective action being taken as set out in appendix 1 to the report.



(a)       that revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception report together with the corrective action being taken be approved; and

(b)       that it be noted that for the 128 actions highlighted for July 2008 within the plan, 89.1% of the Improvement Plan was on target (green), 2.3% was one month behind (amber) and 8.6% was over one month behind (red).   


Performance Report (July 2008) pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report on the Council’s performance as at July 2008. The Assistant Chief Executive referred to the increase in sickness absence and reported that it was likely that a performance clinic would be arranged to consider this issue in more detail.



(a)       that it be noted that 52% of performance indicators were stable or improving;

(b)       that it be noted that 70% of performance indicators which had a target were achieving their Year to Date target ;

(c)        that it be noted that 84% of performance indicators which had a target were predicted to achieve their target at year end;

(d)       that the performance figures for July 2008 as set out in appendix 2 be noted;

(e)       that the particular areas of improvement as summarised in section 3.5 of the report be noted;

(f)         that a detailed breakdown of the sickness absence figures be provided at the next meeting of the Board.   


CPA Self Assessment pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the latest version of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) self assessment document which was to be considered by Council and then forwarded to the Audit Commission by 26th September 2008. It was felt that this was a far stronger document than that produced for the previous CPA inspection.  Following discussion it was


RESOLVED  that the CPA self assessment document be noted.


Council Plan 2009 - 2012 Part 1 pdf icon PDF 948 KB


Consideration was given to a report on the Council Plan 2009 - 2012 Part 1 which reconfirmed the Council’s Vision and Council Objectives and reduced the number of priorities from five to four. The Plan also contained the outline key deliverables for achieving the required improvement on these priorities to meet the expectations of residents. It was noted that the Plan would be submitted to Council for approval. Following discussion it was


RESOLVED  that the report be noted and the priorities contained within the Council Plan be supported.


Work Programme 2008/2009 pdf icon PDF 38 KB


Consideration was given to a report on the Board’s updated work programme for 2008/2009.


RESOLVED  that subject to the consideration of the Annual Bromsgrove District Housing Trust Performance Report and the Quarterly Recommendation Tracker being considered in November 2008, the remainder of the report be noted