Agenda and minutes

Performance Management Board - Tuesday 20th November 2007 6.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Andy Jessop  Debbie Parker-Jones

No. Item


Apologies for absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Dr. D. W. P. Booth J. P. (Portfolio Holder – observer).


Declarations of Interest


Councillors Mrs. J. M. L. A. Griffiths and Mrs. M. A. Sherrey J. P., both declared a personal interest in Agenda item No. 3 – Bromsgrove Arts Centre (Artrix) Annual Report, as they were representatives of the Council on the Centre’s Operating Trust.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 82 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Performance Management Board held on 23rd  October 2007 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Bromsgrove Arts Centre (Artrix) - Annual Report pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


A copy of the Trustee’s Report and Financial Statement for the Artrix Centre for 2006/07, which included a review of the activities and performance of the Centre, together with progress to date on the establishment of a service level agreement with their Operating Trust, was submitted.



(a)       that the contents of the report be noted;

(b)       that the draft service level agreement, when completed, be considered                     by the Board following submission to the Leader’s Group but prior to consideration by the Cabinet; and

(c)        that the Trustees be advised that the Board expressed some concern      over the viability of the cinema operations (costs/attendances).


RECOMMENDED that Councillor Mrs. J. M. L. A. Griffiths, as both relevant Portfolio Holder and a Trustee of the Bromsgrove Arts Centre Operating Trust, hold discussions with relevant representatives of the North East Worcestershire (NEW) College, to enquire whether the College would also be willing to set up a service level agreement with the Artrix along similar lines to that of the Council.


Spatial Strategy Report pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


A report setting out the progress of the Spatial Project, which is a modernisation programme aimed at providing staff with the systems, processes and tools to deliver improved services to the Council’s customers, was submitted.



(a)       that the report be noted; and

(b)       that a further progress report be submitted to the February 2008    meeting of the Board, and that the Board’s work programme be amended accordingly.


Street Scene & Waste Management - Business Plan pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


Members were reminded that, earlier in the year, templates for the 2008/09 service business plans had been examined and it had been agreed that, in order to understand how the template worked in practice, one service would be reviewed, and, accordingly, the Street Scene and Waste Management service business plan, together with a Team Action Plan (which was circulated at the meeting), was considered.


RESOLVED that the contents of the Plan be noted.


Quarter 2 (07-08 Year End) Integrated Finance and Performance Report pdf icon PDF 387 KB

Additional documents:


A report setting out the Council’s performance as at 30th September 2007 (period 6, Quarter 2), was submitted.



(a)       that the Board notes


            (i)         that 83% of indicators were improving or stable, compared to   67% at Quarter 1;

            (ii)        that 72% of indicators were achieving their year to date target, compared to 65% at Quarter 1;

            (iii)       that 79% of indicators were predicted to meet their target at the            year end, compared to 90% at Quarter 1); and

            (iv)       the financial position for both revenue and capital funding for the           first quarter of £244k underspend and £342k respectively;

(b)       that an evaluation of the Area Committee approach, currently being trialled in Alvechurch and Rubery, be considered at the February 2008 meeting of the Board, and that the work programme be amended accordingly; and

(c)        that a report relating to the increase in the number of violent robberies across the district be submitted to the January meeting of the Board, and that, in this regard, Chief Inspector Tony Love be invited to attend such meeting. 


Data Quality Strategy Action Plan Update pdf icon PDF 99 KB

Additional documents:


A progress report on the implementation of the Data Quality Strategy Action Plan was submitted.


RESOLVED that a further report on this matter be submitted to the Board early in the new year, and that the work programme be varied accordingly.


New Improvement Plan Exception Report - Period 6 (September 2007) pdf icon PDF 221 KB


Consideration was given to the Improvement Plan Exception report for September 2007, together with the corrective action being taken, as set out in the appendix to the report.



(a)       that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception report, together with the corrective action being taken, be noted;

(b)       that it be noted that, for the 167 actions highlighted for September within the plan, 89.2% was on target (green), 6.6% was one month behind (amber), and 2.4% was over one month behind (red). 1.8% of actions had been re-scheduled or suspended, with approval; and

(c)        that it be noted that the action relating to the submission of a Cultural Offer report to Corporate Management Team had been suspended due to this activity being covered elsewhere as part of the business planning and budget round process.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 115 KB


Consideration was given to a report setting out the Board’s work programme for 2007-08.


RESOLVED that, subject to (i) including the “actual” date of future meetings on the report, and (ii) incorporating the changes referred to in earlier minutes, the report be approved.


Councillor G.G. Selway


The Board noted with great sadness a brief verbal report from the Chief Executive advising  members of the death of Councillor Gordon Selway.