Agenda and minutes

Performance Management Board - Friday 13th April 2007 2.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Andrew Jessop 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from the Chairman, Councillor P. M. McDonald, Councillors Miss D. H. Campbell JP and C. B. Lanham (Board Members) and Councillor Mrs. C. J. Spencer (Observer - Portfolio Holder).




The Minutes of the Meeting of the Board held on the 23rd March 2007 were submitted.


RESOLVED: that, subject to the substitution of the word “plans” for the word “reports” in resolution (2) to Minute No. 76/06 (Council Plan), the Minutes be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Housing Strategy Action Plan 2006-2011 - Progress Report


Following the award of a “Fit for Purpose” accreditation from the Government Office in March last year for the Council’s new Housing Strategy document for the period 2006-2011, the Head of Strategic Housing submitted an update report outlining progress that had been made one year on against the Action Plan set out in that document.  In this regard, it was reported that there were 104 Actions contained within the Plan and that, of these Actions, 67% were shown with a green light, 23% as amber, and 10% as red.




(1)       that, on the Action headed “Develop in-house skills of Planning Officers upon Urban designs and the construction of Development Briefs/Consider sharing services with other Councils to achieve savings”, the Head of Strategic Housing liaise with the Head of Planning and Environment Services to determine whether this matter should be given a revised date, or whether it should be deleted from the Action Plan as it was considered no longer relevant due to a change in circumstances; and

(2)       that, in all other respects, the Progress Report be noted.


RECOMMENDED: that, on future reports, actions should be prioritised (perhaps by the inclusion of an additional column showing High, Medium or Low Priority).


Determination of Planning Appeals


Following the request made at the February Meeting (Minute 68/06 refers), a report from the Head of Planning and Environment Services was submitted on the issue as to whether there was any correlation between the increase in the number of planning applications called to the Planning Committee in certain Wards of the District and planning appeals.


RESOLVED: that the Report be noted.


Improvement Plan Exception Report - February 2007 Update


Consideration was given to the report on the Improvement Plan for February 2007, together with the corrective action being taken, as set out in the appendix to the report.




(1)       that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception Report, together with the corrective action being taken, be noted; and

(2)       that it be noted that, from 90 actions highlighted for February, 70% of the Plan was on target (green), 0% was one month behind (amber), and 14.4% was over one month behind (red) - with 15.5% of actions having been re-scheduled or suspended, with approval.


RECOMMENDED: that, on the issue of communications, on future occasions when senior officers of the Council are away en-bloc on a management “away day”, or there are similar training sessions involving a number of officers from one department, these dates/occasions be communicated to Members in advance.


Performance Reporting - February 2007 (Period 11)


A report on the Council’s performance as at 28th February 2007 (Period 11) was submitted.


RESOLVED: that the Board notes -


(1)       that 48% of indicators are improving or stable as at 28th February 2007 (58% if those indicators unable to be reported on were taken out);

(2)       that 46% of indicators are achieving their targets as at 28th February 2007 (65% if those indicators unable to be reported on were taken out);

(3)       that 59% of indicators were projected to out-turn on or above target at the year-end (67% if those indicators unable to be reported on were taken out);

(4)       and celebrates the successes as outlined in Section 4.5 of the Report, and

(5)       potential areas for concern set out in Sections 4.6 and 4.7 of the Report and the corrective action being taken.


RECOMMENDED: that the Head of Street Scene and Waste Management Services be requested to respond to the question as to whether the first Green Waste collection round after the winter break took longer than normal, and/or whether any extra collection time was to be factored-in to future timetables.