Agenda and minutes

Performance Management Board - Friday 16th February 2007 2.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Andrew Jessop 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A.N. Blagg and C.B. Lanham (Board Members) and Mrs. M.A. Sherrey (Observer).




The Minutes of the Meeting of the Board held on 19th January 2007, were submitted.


RESOLVED that the Minutes be approved and confirmed as a correct record.


Integrated Financial/Performance Management Report - Quarter 3 2006-07


A Report on Integrated Performance and Financial Monitoring for Quarter 3 of 2006-07 was submitted, and the following issues were highlighted


Paragraph 2.4           (Projected Outturn Position)


Members were uncertain about the interpretation of the phrase “considerable improvement”, and, in order to quantify this in the future, it was agreed that the position would be shown in percentage terms


Paragraph 4.3           (Telephone response times at Customer Service Centre)


Members personal experiences had caused them to question the accuracy of the figures quoted  for speed of response times and number of calls answered, and were advised that the figures were based on a detailed analysis of the Customer Relationship Management System in place at the CSC, which incorporates a fully automated telephone element. It was agreed  that a report be brought to the next meeting in this regard for perusal by the Board. Furthermore, it was reported that officers were currently considering Service Business Plans for next year which included targets, etc., and it was suggested that, rather than quote the average telephone response time, it would be better recorded as a percentage (i.e, xx% of calls were answered within ….).


Paragraph 4.5           (Heads of Service Business Plans – targets for P.I’s.)


Members were advised that, at the next meeting, a copy of the Council Plan would be presented. The Plan includes a high level action plan and a set of 45 corporate indicators. The Board will also be supplied with extracts from each service business plan, that detail all performance indicators for each service. All the above information will include targets for the next three years, the 2005/06 English local authority median and a commentary where any target set is worse than the median. The Board will need to scrutinise this information and make recommendations to Cabinet on any proposed changes to the targets.


BV 156                       (Percentage of Authority’s buildings public areas suitable and accessible to the disabled)


It was agreed that the Portfolio Holder look into the question as to whether the Bromsgrove Museum was exempt from the Disability Discrimination Act


Para.5.4.1                  (Shortfall of income from Dolphin Centre Health & Fitness activities)


In response to Members concerns over an apparent lack of operational controls within the Dolphin Centre, officers undertook to investigate this matter and respond to  Members directly.


Para. 5.4.5                 (Refuse Collection Overspend)


Members expressed their concern over extra costs associated with the Faun refuse vehicles, and it was agreed that the Executive Cabinet be requested to carry out a thorough investigation into the total costs associated with Faun vehicles


Paragraph 7.3           (HSBC Bank)


Following a recent presentation to Members by Postwatch Midlands, which highlighted (inter-alia) that HSBC did not allow its customers banking facilities via Post Offices (when other Banks did), it was felt that a recommendation should be made to Executive Cabinet requesting them to examine the Council’s position in this regard, insofar as our social responsibility was concerned to the local community and various stakeholders. Furthermore, it was also agreed to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 68.


Comprehensive Performance Assessment - Self Assessment January 2007


A Report setting out the Council’s Comprehensive Performance Assessment self assessment, was submitted.


RESOLVED: that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board, working with the Assistant Chief Executive, consider the areas for improvement identified in the self-assessment for the proposed 2007-08 PMB Work Programme to be submitted to the Next meeting of the Board.



Improvement Plan: Exception Report - December 2006 Update


Consideration was given to the Report on the Improvement Plan for December 2006, together with the corrective action being taken, as set out in the Appendix to the Report.




(1)    that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception Report, together with the corrective action being taken, as now reported, be approved; and

(2)    that it be noted that 89.5% of the Improvement Plan was on target (green), 7% was one month behind (amber) , and3.5% was over one month behind (red).



Date of next Meeting

Members are reminded that the date of the next meeting of the Board has been moved from Friday 16th to Friday 23rd March 2007.




The Chairman reminded Members that the date of the next meeting had been changed, and would take place on Friday, 23rd March 2007. This was noted.