Issue - meetings

Local Investigation of a complaint to the Standards Board

Meeting: 21/03/2007 - Standards Committee (this Committee has now been combined wit the Audit, Standrds and Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 33)

33 Local Investigation of a complaint to the Standards Board pdf icon PDF 137 KB

(NOTE: Members are requested to bring with them to the Meeting a copy of the Investigating Officer’s Final Report, dated 19th January 2007, which has been previously circulated)


The Committee considered a complaint (Ref SBE 16030.06) which had been referred to the Council by the Standards Board for England. for determination. The Committee therefore conducted a hearing into the complaint in accordance with the procedure produced by the Standards Board for England and the subject Member,  Councillor S.R. Peters, and the Investigating Officer were both in accord that the matter should be dealt with in the public domain. Accordingly, all relevant papers were circulated, and. Councillor Peters represented himself and addressed the Committee in support of his own case.


The complaint made by Councillor J.T. Duddy was that, on the 10th January 2005, Councillor Peters failed to comply with the Council’s Code of Conduct by failing to declare, at a meeting of the Council’s Planning Committee,  a prejudicial interest in connection with Planning Application B/2004/1389. The issue before the Committee was that, despite the personal interest which was declared at that meeting by Councillor Peters (insofar as he knew the applicant), should he have declared a further personal interest in the matter by virtue of the fact that his and his mother’s home was affected by customers of and other visitors to the Timber Yard the subject of the planning application, due to inadequate parking facilities thereat , and, if so, whether that additional personal interest was also a prejudicial interest. Members were asked to determine whether a decision by the Planning Committee on the planning application might reasonably be regarded as affecting to a greater extent than other council tax payers, ratepayers, or inhabitants of the authority’s area, the well-being or financial position of Councillor Peters and/or his mother. The Committee considered the representations from Councillor Peters   together with the final report of the Deputy Monitoring Officer and, after retiring to consider their decision,  were of the opinion that Councillor Peters had failed to comply with paragraph 8(2) of the Local Authorities (Code of Conduct)(Local Determination) Regulations 2003 (as amended). In considering the nature of any penalty to be imposed, it was


RESOLVED:  that Councillor Peters be suspended from the Planning Committee for a period of one month, and that, in addition, he be requested to attend training on the Code of Conduct for Members, to be provided by the Council,  at the earliest possible opportunity.


(NOTE: A full copy of the report of the Hearing is appended to these Minutes).