41 Cabinet Response to the Inquiry into the Alvechurch Multi-Use Games Area PDF 53 KB
The Chairman reminded Members that this item had been deferred from the previous meeting as the Portfolio Holder for Community Services had been unable to attend that meeting.
The Portfolio Holder for Community Services thanked Members for the opportunity to present the Cabinet Response to the Alvechurch Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) Inquiry and confirmed that subject to the amendment of the wording on some of the recommendations, Cabinet had agreed them and had been pleased with the in depth report that the Board had produced. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that several residents, who did not necessarily agree with the outcome of the investigation, had complimented the Council on how the investigation had been conducted. Officers confirmed that a copy of both the final report and Cabinet Response had been sent to each of the petitioners.
Members asked that the recommendations be monitored and that a progress report be brought to the Board on a regular basis. Officers confirmed that the recommendations would now be added to the Board’s Quarterly Recommendation Tracker and a full review of the implementation of the recommendations would be carried out in November 2011.