97 Climate Change Strategy PDF 104 KB
The Cabinet considered a report on the proposed adoption of a common Climate Change Strategy with Redditch BC.
Members were reminded that the Climate Change Act 2008 placed the Secretary of State under a duty to ensure that the net carbon account for 2050 was at least 80% lower than the 1990 baseline. It was reported that the Government may well require Local Authorities to meet statutory targets for carbon reduction.
It was noted that it was intended to re-visit the Climate Change Strategy in twelve months’ time and to amend the Strategy slightly if necessary. The Strategy would be renewed completely in three to four years.
(a) that the recommendations of the Bromsgrove DC Overview Board as contained in appendix 2 to the report be approved and the comments from the Redditch BC Overview and Scrutiny Committee as contained in appendix 3 to the report be noted;
(b) that the Climate Change Strategy as contained in appendix 1 to the report be approved;
(c) that following repayment of the loan, 100% of the savings achieved from the Salix project be re-invested in climate change work and that in principle, this approach be extended to future similar “spend to save” Climate Change projects but that these be considered on a case by case basis;
(d) that the following policy be included in the Draft Planning Core Strategy and the Climate Change Strategy:
“for any new developments which the Council undertakes, for example building a new public leisure centre, consideration of whole life costs of the building are considered and, as part of this, all new public buildings will aim to exceed the nationally set BREEAM standard”.