Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Board Street Trading Consent 6 month review update

Meeting: 06/12/2010 - Licensing Committee (Item 26)

26 Scrutiny Board Street Trading Consent 6 month review update pdf icon PDF 100 KB


The Committee considered a report which provided an update on the review of the Street Trading Consent Policy undertaken by the Scrutiny Board.


The Senior Solicitor informed Members that in order to respond to questions from the Scrutiny Board on the Street Trading Consent Policy she, together with the Portfolio Holder for Regulatory Services, the Licensing Committee Chairman and the Licensing Manager had attended the Scrutiny Board meeting held on 26th October 2010.  No recommendations had been received from the Scrutiny Board review of the Street Trading Consent Policy.


The Senior Solicitor and Licensing Manager responded to questions from Councillor B. Lewis F.CMI with regard to Bromsgrove District Council’s fee structure and the fees charged by Worcester City Council for Street Trading applications.  Councillor Mrs. J. M. L. A. Griffiths expressed concerns that  the  Licensing Committee should receive any information on fees and charges for 2011/2012 in good time in order for any possible recommendations to be fed into the process for the 2011/2012 fees to be agreed by Cabinet and Full Council. 


The Senior Solicitor responded to Members concerns and agreed to provide the following information to the next meeting of the Licensing Committee:-


§         Fees and Charges for Street Trading of neighbouring authorities for comparison purposes;

§         Details of Worcester City Council fees and charges for Street Trading including applications for both static and mobile units;

§         Details of when the Council’s Street Trading Consent Policy was due for review.


Members also indicated that it would be helpful if the Portfolio Holder could be requested to attend the next meeting of the Licensing Committee when this issue would be discussed.



(a)               that the Scrutiny Board’s consideration of the matter as detailed in section 4 of the report be noted;

(b)               that it be noted that there were no specific recommendations from the Scrutiny Board; and

(c)               that further information as detailed in the preamble above be received at the next meeting of the Licensing Committee, and

(d)               that, if required, the Committee Services Officer be tasked to arrange a special meeting of the Licensing Committee.