Issue - meetings

Alvechurch MUGA - Report of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board

Meeting: 03/11/2010 - Cabinet (Item 82)

82 Alvechurch MUGA - Report of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board pdf icon PDF 76 KB


The Leader invited the Chairman of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board, Councillor S. R. Colella to introduce the report of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board following their Inquiry into reported crime and disorder issues around the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) at Swanslength, Alvechurch.


Councillor Colella reminded members that following the receipt of three public petitions, one calling for removal of the MUGA and two supporting its retention, the issue had been referred by the Cabinet to the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board and that an Inquiry had been subsequently been undertaken. Interviews had taken place with a variety of stakeholders and partners including a number of local residents. Officers had provided reports and information to the Joint Board and Members had also carried out site visits.


Councillor Colella referred to the eleven recommendations from the Joint Board, including the main recommendation that the MUGA be retained.


The Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Councillor M. J. A. Webb responded by thanking the Joint Board for its very thorough and detailed investigation of the matter and stated that he was particularly pleased that local children who used the facility had attended some of the meetings and had participated in the local democratic process.


Councillor Webb referred to paragraph 6.15 of the report and indicated it may be appropriate to look again at the Council’s procedures to consider where improvements in processes may be achieved. It was important to ensure that the fullest information was provided to officers. 


Councillor Webb stated that he would be pleased to attend the next meeting of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board on 23rd November 2010 in order to formally report back to the Board the Cabinet’s response to each of the recommendations within the report.


Following discussion of the recommendations it was




(a)       that the response to each of the recommendations within the report of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board be as set out below:



Recommendation One


That the Alvechurch MUGA be left in situ.


Cabinet Response


 This was agreed.  


 Recommendation Two


That the Community Safety Officers for Alvechurch make periodic house calls to vulnerable residents living in close proximity to the MUGA. 


Cabinet Response


That the Community Support Officers be requested to continue to make periodic house calls to vulnerable residents living in close proximity to the MUGA.


Recommendation Three


That the Alvechurch Community Together (ACT) Trust consider extending the opening hours of the Alvechurch Youth Club until the later time of 10pm in the evening for the older teenagers to actively discourage young people from socialising around the MUGA area late in the evening. 


Cabinet Response


This was agreed but wording to be amended to relate to “the Lounge” Drop in Centre.


Recommendation Four


That the Alvechurch Youth Club carry out targeted outreach work on the MUGA itself to engage with the young people who use the site as a social meeting point in the evening after dusk.


          Cabinet Response


Amend to “that ACT youth workers be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 82