Issue - meetings

Discuss Questions for Witnesses at meeting to be held on 4th January 2011

Meeting: 02/11/2010 - Overview Board (Item 40)

40 Questions for Witnesses at meeting to be held on 4th January 2011 pdf icon PDF 63 KB

(example questions attached for guidance)


The Board considered the strategic questions which had been provided as a guide for Members to ask witnesses at the meeting to be held on 4th January 2011.


Members asked for the following points/questions to be put to the Head of Service and Portfolio Holder in respect of the Civil Parking Enforcement topic:


  • Key deliverables
  • Level of service
  • Would the same service be delivered throughout the district?
  • What was the deadline, if any, for this service to be in place?
  • Was it possible to broaden the remit of the enforcement officers’ role i.e. to include litter, dog fouling and fly tipping.