Issue - meetings

Bromsgrove Railway Station Development - Update (Director for Planning, Regeneration, Regulation and Housing Services)

Meeting: 02/11/2010 - Overview Board (Item 35)

Bromsgrove Railway Station Development - Verbal Update


The Chairman advised that the Executive Director, Planning and Regeneration, Regulation and Housing Services had sent his apologies but had provided the following information:


“The County Council received a letter from the Department of Transport on Wednesday (27th October 2010) informing us that there would be no capital funding for the Bromsgrove railway station project from the Department of Transport.  We are welcome to bid for funding from future funds released by the Department for Communities and Local Government but there is no guidance on any of these funds at the current time and competition is likely to be intense for any limited funds released.  As a result no further work is to be done on the railway station project until such time as any funding is available.”


The Board was disappointed that the letter from the Department of Transport appeared to preclude development of the Railway Station in the future.  The possibility of funding being available through the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) was discussed.  Officers agreed to ask the Executive Director, Planning and Regeneration, Regulation and Housing Services, whether this had already been explored.


Members queried whether there would be any implications for the Core Strategy of the Local Development Framework, as the Railway Station was an integral part of the Town Centre Redevelopment, and what effect this would have on the Council’s priorities.


Officers reminded Members that at the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting to be held on 23rd November 2010, Members were due to receive a further presentation from the Head of Planning and Regeneration and that this matter could be discussed in more detail at that meeting.