Issue - meetings

Work Programme

Meeting: 18/10/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 34)

34 Work Programme pdf icon PDF 84 KB


The Board considered the Work Programme, and was informed Members that there was not a Shared Services Report this month as there had not been a meeting of the Shared Services Board.  The Board was advised that the next report would be in a revised format, as discussed at the meeting held on 20th September 2010.


It was agreed that the Annual Financial and Performance Report 2009/2010 would be brought to the meeting on 15th November 2010 in a revised format.  The Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships also advised Members that the Head of Strategic Housing would give a presentation, and not a report, to the meeting on 15th November 2010 in respect of Housing and Homelessness.  Members requested sight of the slides in advance of the meeting, if possible.


RESOLVED that the Work Programme be noted, subject to the above amendments.