Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2010/2013 Part 1

Meeting: 18/10/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 32)

32 Council Plan 2010/2014 Part 1 pdf icon PDF 690 KB


The Board considered the Council Plan 2011-14, Part 1 and the Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships provided the Board with an update on the Council’s current position in the light of the forthcoming Comprehensive Spending Review.  Heads of Service had provided information on budget savings and these had been considered by Corporate Management Team at a Budget and Business Planning meeting.  It was agreed that the Council was well positioned and better prepared to respond to the Comprehensive Spending Review as a result of improved business practices and shared services.


Members discussed the following items in more detail:


·        Funding for Worcestershire Viewpoint and the use of a more localised survey that measured customer service and satisfaction with local services.

·        The Railway Station Development – Officers advised Members that the Director of Planning and Regeneration, Regulation and Housing Services would attend the Overview Board meeting on 2nd November 2010 to give an update on the current position.

·        Economic Development – development of the Core Strategy, partnerships working and improved marketing.

·        Climate Change – Members discussed the difficulties facing the Council due to the ongoing problems with buildings and therefore the inability to have a big impact on CO2 emissions.

·        Bromsgrove Urban and Rural Transport (BURT) was a valuable service provided to a small, but vulnerable, part of the community.  It had only been running for a year, and it was agreed that it should be for Councillors to decide whether it should continue to be provided.

·        The Population – in particular the predicted increase in the ageing population and housing needs.

·        Children’s Health – in particular childhood obesity and mental health services.  Members were concerned what effect the changes due to take place within the National Health Service would have on the District.

·        Big Society and the Council’s position on this.


RECOMMENDED that the idea of Big Society is debated by Members of the Council to decide its position and what it means to the Council.



(a)     that the Board endorses and supports the work of the Local Strategic Partnership Board in improving the focus on Economic Development (and in particular marketing); and

(b)     that the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board consider including within their work programme, the implications of the new NHS arrangements, and in particular the impact on local health priorities.