Issue - meetings

The Appointment of a Crime and Disorder Advisor to the Board

Meeting: 05/10/2010 - Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 27)

27 The Appointment of a Crime and Disorder Advisor to the Board pdf icon PDF 87 KB


The Scrutiny Officer introduced the report and explained that the Home Office guidance for the scrutiny of crime and disorder suggested that crime and disorder scrutiny committees either appoint a co-optee or an advisor on crime and disorder and that for district authorities the preferred option was the appointment of an advisor.  It further suggested that crime and disorder scrutiny committees involved metropolitan police authorities (MPAs) in the process.  In Bromsgrove the suggested approach was to appoint an advisor, as this would allow flexibility to only call the advisor when crime and disorder matters were being discussed, as the Board has a much broader remit.


A candidate had been identified through the West Mercia MPA; Councillor Brandon Clayton.  Councillor Clayton had experience of crime and disorder issues and crime and disorder reduction partnerships, as he was both a member of the West Mercia MPA and a member of the Community Safety Partnership in Redditch.  At the same time, not being directly involved in the Community Safety Partnership in Bromsgrove avoided the potential conflicts of interest that might arise in scrutiny of the Bromsgrove CSP. 


RESOLVED that Councillor Brandon Clayton be appointed as an Advisor on Crime and Disorder to the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board.