Issue - meetings

The Community Safety Partnership Plan

Meeting: 05/10/2010 - Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 25)

25 The Community Safety Partnership Plan pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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The Senior Community Safety Project Officer provided an overview of the 2010/11 Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership Plan (CSPP).  The CSPP was a strategic document which provided the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) with a steer on how to approach tackling local problems of crime and disorder. 


He explained that the CSPP identified:

  • the key local, regional and national drivers for the strategy,
  • the membership of the CSP,
  • the priorities for tackling crime and disorder and
  • the parameters within which the partnership works. 


He also explained that the Annual Strategic Assessment informed the development of the CSPP and made sure that it was intelligence led.  The Community Safety Partnership Steering Group then agreed the priorities and  a plan of action was developed against each priority.  Key priorities of the plan included; youth related anti-social behaviour, acquisitive crime, violent crime and environmental crime. 


Members discussed which areas of crime and disorder reduction they would like to consider further and identified: an overview of violent crime in the District, domestic violence, crime and planning.  The Chairman of the Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership informed Members that she would provide the Board with a presentation on domestic violence crime and crime reduction. 


RESOLVED that the Board:

(a) note the priorities outlined within the 2010/11 refresh of the Community

      Safety Partnership Plan; and


(b) consider the following areas crime and disorder reduction within the its Work Programme:

      town centre management, overview of violent crime in the District, domestic violence, crime and planning.