Issue - meetings

Presentation on the Budget Process, recommended Capital Programme and Draft Base Budget for 20??/?? - 20??/??

Meeting: 05/10/2010 - Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 23)

23 Report on the Inquiry into the Alvechurch Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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The Chairman summed up the background to the MUGA Inquiry report.  The Board had, on 15th June 2010, resolved to undertake an Inquiry into the Alvechurch MUGA and members of the Inquiry had heard evidence from a wide range of witnesses, reviewed local anti-social behaviour (ASB) statistics for Alvechurch, conducted site visits and received a large amount of written testimony from local residents.  At the end of this process a report had been drafted for approval by the Board, containing 11 recommendations to the Cabinet and other local decision makers and provided a synopsis of the evidence considered during the Inquiry. 


The Chairman explained that questions could be put, if necessary, by Members of the Board to key stakeholders in attendance and drew attention to the comments of technical accuracy, cost and feasibility that had been received from key stakeholders on the draft report.  He also drew attention to the comments received from Alvechurch Communities Together (ACT) and various minor amendments. 


Member of the Boards commented that the Inquiry process had been very informative and thorough and that the report and recommendations were a fair reflection of the investigations and the conclusions reached. 


RESOLVED that the Board:

(a) approve the report and the recommendations contained within it, subject to the amendments agreed; and

(b) submit the amended report to the Cabinet for consideration of the recommendations.