Issue - meetings

Prosecution and Sanction Policy Report

Meeting: 27/09/2010 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 22)

22 Corporate Prosecution and Sanction Policy Report pdf icon PDF 74 KB

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The Chairman welcomed Ms. M. Wall, Bromsgrove District Council’s Fraud Services Manager, to the meeting.


Ms. Wall presented the report which provided details of the revisions to the Corporate Prosecution and Sanction Policy as part of the annual review.  The policy was a public policy for the information of residents.  The Policy had been updated to include the following:


§         explanations of prosecution factors

§         changes to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) financial limits set, for joint working purposes (benefit fraud)

§         Post Investigation considerations

§         Single Person Discount (Council Tax) explanations

§         Other cases of fraud, bribery or corruption


Ms. Wall responded to questions from Members regarding data protection protocols and agencies sharing information.


RESOLVED that the Corporate Prosecution and Sanction Policy as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.