Issue - meetings

Community Calls for Action

Meeting: 31/08/2010 - Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 18)

Verbal update on Worcestershire Hub Joint Scrutiny Task Group (Councillor C. B. Taylor)


Members of the Board received a progress report from Cllr C. B. Taylor on the Worcestershire Hub Joint Scrutiny Task Group at Worcestershire County Council.  Cllr Taylor was one of the representatives appointed by the Board to the Worcestershire Hub Joint Scrutiny Task Group.


Cllr Taylor expressed disappointment with the administration of the Task Group.  It was recalled that on the on 15th June 2010 the Board had resolvedthat the Chairman of the Worcestershire Hub Joint Scrutiny Task

Group be invited, by Councillor Taylor, to a future meeting of the Board.  The Scrutiny Officer was requested to follow this up with a formal written invitation.


RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Officer be requested to write to the Chairman of the Worcestershire Hub Joint Scrutiny Task Group to invite him to a future meeting of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board.