Issue - meetings

Presentation on the Budget Process, recommended Capital Programme and Draft Base Budget for 20??/?? - 20??/??

Meeting: 31/08/2010 - Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 17)

17 Inquiry into the Alvechurch Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) pdf icon PDF 96 KB


Members of the Board received a report of the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services on the Inquiry on the Alvechurch Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) and noted the progress so far.  Members of the Board noted the written evidence and oral evidence so far received by the Inquiry on the Alvechurch MUGA and considered if any further evidence was required for consideration by Members of the Inquiry before they are to conclude their investigation.  The Scrutiny Officer said that he would send pictures of the MUGA from the site visit carried out on the 20th July 2010. It was generally agreed that the Inquiry had considered a comprehensive amount of evidence from different perspectives and that it should now consider its conclusions and recommendations and report back to the Board on 5th October 2010.


Members considered the possible options for the Inquiry and the future of the MUGA.  It was reported that the police are carrying out impromptu surveillance of the area and it was suggested that this should be more widely publicised.  Options for the MUGA identified included:

·              leaving the MUGA facilities in situ with appropriate re-landscaping of the physical environment to minimise opportunities for ASB and maximise surveillance of the area, subject to a 6 - 12 month review

·              removal of the MUGA facilities. 


Members of the Inquiry were now to consider the full range of options available and the costs and feasibility implications and make recommendations to the Board.