Issue - meetings

Local Food Economy Task Group

Meeting: 02/11/2010 - Overview Board (Item 36)

36 Local Food Economy Task Group pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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The Chairman invited Councillor L. J. Turner, as Chairman of the Task Group, to introduce this item.  Councillor Turner gave background information on the Transition Town Bromsgrove group and explained that he had attended one of their meetings and felt that the work that they hoped to do was of a similar nature to that of the Task Group.   It was felt that it would be useful to co-opt two members of Transition Town Bromsgrove on to the Task Group.  An informal meeting of the Task Group had been held, to which the potential co-optees had been invited and it was felt that they were enthusiastic and committed to the work and would be an asset to the Task Group.  Councillor Turner confirmed that the first meeting of the Task Group would take place on 11th November 2010.



(a)               that Councillors S. R. Colella, C. R. Scurrell and D. McGrath be appointed as members of the Task Group;

(b)               that Ms. A. Horton and Mr. M. Draper be co-opted as members of the Task Group;

(c)               that the terms of reference of the Local Food Economy Task Group as submitted now be agreed; and

(d)               that the Task Group commence its investigation as soon as possible.