Issue - meetings

Verbal updates on progress of Scrutiny Task Groups (to be given by the Task Group Chairmen)

Meeting: 02/11/2010 - Overview Board (Item 37)

37 Overview Board Quarterly Recommendation Tracker pdf icon PDF 175 KB

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The Board considered the Quarterly Recommendation Tracker report and was disappointed that detailed updates had not been received from Officers.  Members agreed that it was important that recommendations, which had been agreed by Cabinet, were tracked to find out what outcomes had been achieved and when the agreed recommendations (Cabinet decisions) had been implemented, and that officers and relevant Portfolio Holders were requested to provide details of these.  The Executive Director, Finance and Resources advised Members that she would bring the Overview Board Recommendation Tracker Report to the attention of the Corporate Management Team at their next meeting and ensure that responses were brought back to the next meeting of the Board to be held on 4th January 2011.


It was noted that an action update had been received in respect of the Community Involvement In Local Democracy Task Group, but unfortunately this was not in the required format and did not cover all aspects of the recommendations.  It was noted that Councillor G. Denaro had been suggested as the Council’s Democracy Champion.  The Board felt that in view of his heavy workload as Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources and Deputy Leader, the Vice Chairman of the Council would be a more appropriate candidate as Democracy Champion.