Issue - meetings

Integrated Performance and Financial Monitoring Report - 3rd Quarter 2006/07

Meeting: 07/03/2007 - Cabinet (Item 178)

178 Integrated Performance and Financial Monitoring Report - 3rd Quarter 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 272 KB

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The Cabinet considered an integrated performance and financial monitoring report for the third quarter of 2006/07. At the request of the Leader, the Portfolio Holder for Street Scene and Waste Management reported on the overspend situation with regard to Street Scene and Waste Management services and it was noted that the target income for these services had been reduced as part of the recently approved Medium Term Financial Plan.



(a)   that it be noted that 52% of indicators are improving or stable as at 31 December 2006 (68% if those indicators that cannot be reported on are excluded) which represents a small increase on last month’s figures and is the same as at quarter 2;

(b)    that it be noted that 47% of indicators are achieving their targets at December 2006 (61% if those indicators that cannot be reported on are excluded), an improvement of 2 percentage points over November and a considerable improvement over the figure of 39% at quarter 2;

(c)     that it be noted that 70% of indicators are projected to outturn on or above target at the year-end (75% if those indicators that cannot be reported on are excluded), compared to 59% in November.  This particular analysis was only introduced in October 2006, so comparison to quarter 2 is not possible;

(d)    that it be noted that the projected outturn position in relation to other authorities (by comparing projected outturn to the quartile positions) is a significant improvement over last year, and that there is a 22% reduction in the number of indicators in the bottom two quartiles;

(e)    that the potential areas for concern set out in section 4.7 of the report and the corrective action being taken be noted;

(f)      that the revenue financial underspend from April – December 2006 to budget of £331,000 be noted;

(g)    that the predicted revenue financial overspend of £65,000 be noted and that Heads of Service be requested to reduce the overspends where appropriate;

(h)     that the use of General Fund Revenue Balances and earmarked reserves be noted;

(i)      that the capital underspend of £1.098m against the Profiled Capital Budget to December 2006 be noted, together with the progress made on capital schemes.