Issue - meetings

Finance and Performance Monitoring Report - Quarter 1 2010/2011

Meeting: 04/08/2010 - Cabinet (Item 42)

42 Finance and Performance Monitoring Report - Quarter 1 2010/2011 pdf icon PDF 216 KB


The Cabinet considered a report on the Council’s performance and financial position as at 30th June 2010. It was reported that in relation to Revenue, the summary indicated a variance of only £39,000.  Members noted that efficiency savings of £140,000 had been achieved to date.  Following discussion it was



(a)       that it be noted that 60% of Performance Indicators were stable or improving;

(b)       that it be noted that 45% of Performance Indicators which had a target were meeting their target as at the month end and 80% were projected to meet their target at the year end;

(c)        that the performance figures for June 2010 as set out in Appendix 2 to the report be noted;

(d)       that the achievements and issues set out in section 4.1.1 of the report (Council Summary) be noted;

(e)       that the current position on both the revenue and capital budgets as detailed in the report be noted;

(f)         that the release of previously approved earmarked reserves of £68,000 as set out in Appendix 5 to the report be noted;

(g)       that the budget virements listed in Appendix 6 to the report be approved;

(h)        that the details of complaints received as set out in Appendix 7 to the report be noted; and

(i)         that the performance of the Council’s Treasury Management function as set out in Appendix 8 to the report be noted.