Issue - meetings

Anticipated reports due to be considered by the Cabinet between July 2009 and April 2010

Meeting: 31/08/2010 - Overview Board (Item 24)

24 Cabinet Response to the Community Involvement In Local Democracy Task Group Report pdf icon PDF 58 KB


The Board considered the Cabinet Response to the Community Involvement in Local Democracy Task Group and invited Councillor L. J. Turner, Chairman of the Task Group to comment on the Cabinet Response. Councillor Turner advised that he was disappointed with the implementation dates of several of the recommendations as the Task Group’s understanding had been that many of these would be introduced prior to the elections in 2011 and work could in fact already be under way in some areas.


The Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services explained that she expected as many as possible of the recommendations to be in place before the implementation date, but also had to take into account any financial constraints which may arise.


Councillor Turner asked whether consideration had been given to a member of the Task Group being on the Steering Group and the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services explained that it was unlikely that the Steering Group would meet on a regular basis and that it would be more appropriate for her to report back to the Board each month on progress being made.  The Steering Group consisted of a large number of partners and at the initial meeting each took away actions which they needed to carry out.  The work to be done by the TRUNK was already underway and the work with schools was also in place.  The Elections Team had also been pro-active over the summer promoting their work through street theatre and stalls in the High Street.


The Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services was asked whether she had enough officer support to carry out the recommendations and she responded that she did not have as much as she would like, but would work within the constraints that she had to make the project as successful as possible.   She also informed the Board that the Council’s partners had become aware of the work that was being done due to the Task Group and were enthusiastic about it, which had enable the Council to take the lead on the work that was being carried out.


The Board thanked the Chairman, Members of the Task Group and the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services for their hard work in carrying the work of the Task Group forward.