Issue - meetings

Verbal updates on progress of Scrutiny Task Groups (to be given by the Task Group Chairmen)

Meeting: 31/08/2010 - Overview Board (Item 26)

26 Draft Joint Climate Change Strategy pdf icon PDF 926 KB


The Board considered the Draft Joint Climate Change Strategy and covering report.  Members were concerned that the report indicated that there was no specific budget for climate change activity.  The Executive Director for Finance and Resources informed Members that she was currently looking at “invest to save” projects with the Climate Change Manager and that there was a small budget available at Redditch Borough Council (RBC) for promotional work to be carried out.  The Head of Environmental Services confirmed that savings made would not just be in respect of the Council’s carbon foot print but also monetary savings, which would then be re-invested.  RBC had already implemented several schemes with money from the Carbon Trust.  This money was paid back from any savings that were made by implementation of the schemes.


Members agreed that climate change should feed into all areas within the Council.  The appropriateness of national indicators was also discussed and the possible amendments to these which may be implemented by the new Government.  It was agreed that it was important that whatever elements were measured, they should make a difference.  After further discussion it was



(a)       that the notes of the informal meeting on the Draft Joint Climate            Change Strategy be agreed; and

(b)       that the Board recommend that Cabinet adopt the strategy.



(i)                 that the Joint Climate Change Strategy be commended to Cabinet for approval;

(ii)               that the Council bring the Climate Change agenda to the forefront and act as a community leader to champion the reduction of carbon emissions;

(iii)             that the Council ensure that Climate Change is embedded in strategic planning policies, (specifically the development of the Core Strategy) and all future policies;

(iv)              that internal action to reduce the Council carbon footprint and increase recycling within Council offices be prioritised;

(v)                that the Cabinet identify and support spend to save initiatives to reduce the Council’s carbon emissions;

(vi)              that information for residents on the “turn off in winter” campaign be included in the autumn edition of Together Bromsgrove;

(vii)            that the Council highlight concern over excess winter deaths through the Local Strategic Partnership and local media and support partners wherever possible in reducing this; and

(viii)          that the Council celebrate successes in projects to reduce carbon emissions and other climate change initiatives, both through the local media and to staff in the organisation.