Issue - meetings

Planning Peer Review - Presentation from Idea

Meeting: 27/07/2010 - Overview Board (Item 17)

17 Planning Peer Review - Presentation from Improvement and Development Agency (I&DeA) pdf icon PDF 85 KB

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The Board considered a report of the Head of Planning and Regeneration which highlighted the key points emerging from the Spatial Planning Peer Review undertaken by I&DeA and the Planning Advisory Service.  The presentation by Andrew Whitfield from I&DeA, would report on that review’s findings.  The Head of Planning and Regeneration advised Members that the appendices to the report were a copy of the Peer Review, which included recommendations to the Council and the Peer Review Action Plan, which contained the recommendations from the Review together with comments on the recommendations and actions (which related to both officers and Members).  She explained that everything within the action plan was included in the Service Plan for Planning and Regeneration.


Mr. Andrew Whitfield described the Peer Review process which had been completed in October 2009 and confirmed that the Council had requested the review to be carried out.  Mr. Whitfield explained that I&DeA were now known as Local Government Improvement and Development (LGID).  Mr. Whitfield confirmed that the team who had carried out the review included him as review manager, 2 professional planners, a representative from the Planning Advisory Service and an elected member peer.  The report was finalised with the Council in March 2010.  The report was very detailed and contained 18 recommendations and was structured around 5 themes:


  • Achieving outcomes
  • Integration and collaboration
  • Leading and engaging the community
  • Management
  • Innovation, learning and excellence


Mr. Whitfield informed Members that the recent change in Government had had a big impact in what was within the report as Comprehensive Area Assessment had already been abolished and it was expected that Regional Spatial Strategies would be abolished shortly.  The Regional Spatial Strategy was referenced within the report.  There was, however, still an issue in respect of the need for housing and affordable housing which the Council needed to address.  


Mr. Whitfield advised Members that his team were able to assist the Council in carrying through the recommendations by the offer of support around work for officer peers, development management, understanding viability and Member training, at no cost to the Council.  The Executive Director for Planning, Regeneration, Regulation and Housing Services informed Members that if there were any specific areas of planning on which they felt more detailed training would be appropriate, then officers would facilitate this wherever possible.


The Board discussed the planning framework and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration was asked about the integrity of the current planning framework in view of the fact that the new strategic plan was yet to be adopted.  The Portfolio Holder confirmed to Members that the Council was able to use the Local Plan as adopted and that the Local Development Framework Working Party (LDF) was in the process of updating this for 2010/11.  The Head of Planning and Regeneration also advised Members that several of the recommendations that had been made in the review related to a plan and policy framework for the district, and there was therefore a timetable  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17