Issue - meetings

Performance Report (May 2010)

Meeting: 19/07/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 16)

16 Performance Report (May 2010) pdf icon PDF 80 KB

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The Board considered the Performance Report for May 2010.  Members were particularly concerned about item 4.3 of the report and the number of performance indicators not meeting their targets.  After discussion it was agreed that as it was only the second month of the year then there was sufficient time for performance to improve and be brought up to target, but that Members would keep a close check on those areas affected.


Members discussed the following areas in more detail:


  • The number of violent crimes and robberies. 
  • The average speed of answer at the Customer Contact Centre.  It was confirmed that this was created by a high demand due to Council Tax billing and brown bin delivery problems.
  • Finance and Resource Department - National Indicator (NI) 181 (Time taken to process housing and council tax benefit new claims or change events).  Members were advised that this has now been addressed and that the small backlog had been worked through.
  • Planning and Regeneration - NI 157.  This was a good example of the balance between meeting a target and taking more time in order to reach the correct decision on a planning application.



(a)               that it be noted that 61% of performance indicators are stable or improving;

(b)               that it be noted that 45% of performance indicators that have a target have net their target as at the month end and that 85% are projected to meet their target at the year end;

(c)               that the performance figures for May 2010 as set out in Appendix 2 be noted;

(d)               that the particular areas of improvement as summarised in section 4.2 of the report are noted; and

(e)               that the performance indicators of particular concern as set out in section 4.3 of the report be noted.