Issue - meetings

Overview and Scrutiny Work Planning

Meeting: 15/06/2010 - Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 7)

7 Overview and Scrutiny Work Planning pdf icon PDF 364 KB


Members of the Board received a report of the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services which outlined the process and rationale for Overview and Scrutiny Work Planning for 2010/11 and were asked to consider and identify the priority issues for Overview and Scrutiny for 2010/11. 


The Scrutiny Officer gave a short presentation to outline the process for identification and allocation of topics.  The potential topics for investigation by the Boards had been identified in the Quarterly meetings with the Leader, proposals by Members of the Council, consultation with the Corporate Management Team, and consultation with the Bromsgrove Partnership (LSP).  Members had also been invited to submit topic proposals in advance of the meeting and one topic proposal had been received from Councillor L. J. Turner entitled “Local Food”.  A list of potential topics had been drawn up and Members were asked to propose any further topics and to identify the top priority topics and refer these to the relevant Boards for inclusion in their work programmes. 


Members of the Board considered the proposal from Councillor Turner.  The proposal on “Local Food” was:

  • “To investigate the availability of locally sourced foods in local shops, supermarkets, restaurants, and in schools and elderly care homes, day centres etc.
  • To actively promote local food.
  • To ascertain the viability of encouraging additional Local Food/Farmers Markets in District Wards other than Bromsgrove Town.
  • Reduction of carbon footprint in the local food economy”. 


Members of the Board considered the allocation of topics to each Board and each Member nominated up to 8 high priority topics.  These were collated and it was



(a)               that the proposal on “Local Food” be designated a high priority topic and referred to the Overview Board for inclusion in its Work Programme; and

(b)               that the Scrutiny Officer, in consultation with the Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny Boards, be asked to schedule the topics prioritised around the remaining meetings of the Boards for 2010/11.