Issue - meetings

Improvement Plan - new template

Meeting: 19/07/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 17)

17 Improvement Plan - new template pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Improvement Plan 2010-2011 and the new template.  Members agreed that the new template was clearer and much easier to read.  Members agreed that it would be useful to receive a report on the impact of the recent political and financial changes at the next Performance Management Board meeting. 


Members discussed in more detail the following areas:


  • The Railway Station and the availability of funding for this.
  • The Hanover Street Car Parking extension – Officers to advise Members if this was on target to be operational by the end of July as originally expected.
  • CP4 One Community – Members were concerned at possible funding cuts and how these would affect such projects as ‘U Decide’.  It had not been made clear whether funding that had been allocated this year would also be jeopardised.  The Chief Executive agreed to investigate this further and report back to the Board.


A Member of the Board had recently visited Sanders Park with her grandchildren.  Members asked that it be noted how impressed the Member had been with the facilities, including the excellent activities available and quality of the refreshments available at the café. 


RESOLVED that a report on the impact of political and financial changes be submitted to the Performance Management Board meeting on 20th September 2010.