Issue - meetings

Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) at Swanslength Open Space (to follow - the matter is subject to further public consultation on 27th May 2010)

Meeting: 02/06/2010 - Cabinet (Item 4)

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The Cabinet considered a report on issues relating to the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) at Swans Length Open Space, Alvechurch.


Complaints had been received from residents in relation to anti social behaviour centred around the MUGA. Public consultation and engagement through a residents’ focus group had indicated whilst those living closest to the MUGA supported its removal, other residents felt the facility was important for young people in the area and wished to see it retained.


It was also reported that two petitions had been received one requesting the removal of the MUGA from Swans Length and another (in two parts) supporting the retention of the facility in its current location. The Council’s policy on petitions required that the petitions be referred to the Council’s Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board for consideration.


There was discussion on the work undertaken to date by officers to address the problems experienced together with possible further actions which could be taken in conjunction with the local Police and other partners.  The Leader referred to discussions which had taken place with the Local Policing Team. 



(a)       that in accordance with the Council’s existing policy, the petitions received in favour and against the retention of the MUGA at Swans Length, Alvechurch be referred to the next meeting of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board for further consideration;

(c)        that the Board be requested to investigate the issue and to make recommendations to the Cabinet within six months; and

(b)       that in the meantime, officers be requested to further consider the position and to work with the local Police, partners and residents to identify ways of alleviating the difficulties at the site .