Issue - meetings

Implementation Plan - (Document to be attached)

Meeting: 11/06/2010 - Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee (Worcs Shared Services Partnership was dissolved on 31st March 2016. A new partnership was agreed on 1st April 2016 Worcs Regulatory Services Board) (Item 7)

Project Implementation Plan


Mr. I. Edwards, Regulatory Services Project Manager provided Members with details of the Worcestershire Regulatory Services High Level Implementation Plan, Stages 1 to 4 which provided a breakdown of each different stage within the project –


§         STAGE 1             Initiation Stage

§         STAGE 2             Design of the project, design of the new business                                          processes, design of the organisation and the design of                                    the Information Technology (IT) that supports the new                          processes

§         STAGE 3             Development of the selected (IT), new business                                       processes identified put into place and implement the                                         changes to bring about the new service

§         STAGE 4             Closure of the project and a review of the project, has the                                   project achieved its objectives.


The Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services responded to Members’ questions regarding the Management structure and briefly explained the statutory 30 day consultation period and process and the need to manage the transition process carefully.


The Regulatory Services Project Manager confirmed that flexibility and future proofing would be a core requirement of any new IT System procured and that Worcestershire Hub integration was included within the plan.


The Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services responded to Members’ questions regarding issues arising that could impact on the time and cost of the project plan.  He advised Members that the Project Board that was chaired by the Chief Executive of the Host Authority would be kept informed of any variations or exception reports.  Below the Project Board was the Project Implementation Team which kept control of the project and would report to the Project Board very early on if any issues or concerns were raised so corrective action could be taken straight away.



(a)               that the Regulatory Services Project Manager be tasked to provide a more detailed plan to the next meeting of the Joint Committee; and

(b)               that the Joint Committee be kept informed of any certain milestone dates and any critical items including slippage to the Project Implementation Plan.