Issue - meetings

To consider the proposed Terms of Reference of the Joint Committee - (Document to be attached)

Meeting: 11/06/2010 - Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee (Worcs Shared Services Partnership was dissolved on 31st March 2016. A new partnership was agreed on 1st April 2016 Worcs Regulatory Services Board) (Item 5)

5 Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 197 KB


The Committee considered the Joint Committee – Terms of Reference as set out in Part 1 – Schedule 1, Worcestershire Shared Services Partnership Agreement.  The Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services drew Members’ attention to key items within the Terms of Reference and the rules for the conduct of meetings and proceedings of the Joint Committee.  Members were informed that arrangements had been made for agendas, reports and minutes of Joint Committee Meetings to be included on all member authority websites.


Members discussed the frequency of meetings and agreed that during the  initial stages quarterly meetings be organised with an early December meeting to ensure budgets were submitted to Member Authorities for approval as part of the business plan.


Further discussion followed on monitoring the operational performance of the shared service by ensuring that service delivery was measured in accordance with the agreed key performance indicators and outcomes with an annual report to member authorities.


Members considered and discussed individual and joint Overview and Scrutiny arrangements to account for the activities of the Joint Committee.  The Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services advised Members of the possible two key roles for Overview and Scrutiny; an overview and scrutiny of the service that each individual member authority may want to undertake or an overview and scrutiny of a specific aspect of the service relating to an individual member authority such as a performance or financial issue.  The Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services suggested that Member Authorities work together to try and avoid duplication of effort and to minimise the number of Overview and Scrutiny exercises related to the same subject.


RESOLVED that The Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services be tasked to provide Members with details of the proposed Performance Measures and Outcome Measures to the next meeting of the Joint Committee including: 


§         National Indicators

§         Local Area Assessment

§         HUB response times

§         Outcome Measures including Licensing and public safety