11 Proposed Bromsgrove Memorial/Tribute PDF 78 KB
Consideration was given to a report on a proposal received from the THANKSS charity (To Honour and Acknowledge those Killed and Still Serving) to erect a suitable memorial/tribute to the armed services within the Bromsgrove town area.
It was reported that the charity was seeking the grant of a licence in respect of the Council owned land at Amphlett Hall, Crown Close, Bromsgrove and that the erection of the memorial/tribute would be subject to the grant of planning permission.
(a) that the development of a memorial/tribute on land at Amphlett Hall, Crown Close, Bromsgrove to honour all of the armed services be approved in principle;
(b) that, subject to the charity being registered and producing a business plan to demonstrate the viability of the project, a licence be granted to the THANKSS charity to enable the erection of the memorial/tribute on the land;
(c) that the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Cohesion and Engagement be authorised to approve the detailed business case and design of the memorial/tribute, and to monitor the delivery of the project.