Issue - meetings

DPPO - Designated Public Places Order - Review by Community Safety Department

Meeting: 26/07/2010 - Licensing Committee (Item 13)

13 DPPO - Designated Public Places Order - Review and Evaluation pdf icon PDF 113 KB

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The Committee considered a report that provided a review conducted by Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership of existing Designated Public Places Orders (DPPOs) within the Bromsgrove District.


The Senior Community Safety Project Officer informed Members that although there was no statutory requirement to review a DPPO, the Home Office guidance recommended they should be evaluated and reviewed as a matter of good practice, ideally at least every two years.  In June 2010 the administration of DPPO had transferred from the Licensing Team to the Community Safety Team as an interim responsibility until a formal arrangement was agreed by the local authority.  Members were informed that there were a total of 22 DPPOs within the Bromsgrove District.  The study carried out by Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership on the 22 DPPOs was to assess the effectiveness and to establish whether they were still appropriate, necessary and proportionate.  10 DPPOs were found to be inappropriate and a further 6 were proven to be ineffective.  The remaining 6 DPPOs were proven to be effective in reducing adult alcohol related disorder.


The Head of Community Services responded to questions from Members regards existing signage and the proposed new signage.  Members were also informed that there had been some confusion regarding DPPOs.  DPPOs did not provide a blanket ban on alcohol but placed restrictions on the consumption of alcohol in public places and gave Police Officers and accredited persons the power to require a person in a DPPO not to drink alcohol in that area, in order to deal with alcohol related disorder committed by persons over the age of 18 years old (adult).


The Portfolio Holder for Community Services thanked officers for their informative report and responses to Members questions.



(a)       that approval be given to officers to review Bromsgrove DPPOs as set out in paragraph 4.1 of the report to enable the Licensing Committee to consider revocation in line with legislative requirement;

(b)       Signage -

(i)         that any future use of signage conforms with the Home Office guidance for local authorities on DPPOs;

(ii)        that any future change of signage be subject to the review of the current DPPOs;

(c)        that approval be given for officers to carry out biannual evaluations of existing DPPOs be undertaken to ensure that all active DPPOs in Bromsgrove District continue to be effective, appropriate and proportionate; and

(d)       that authority be delegated to the Head of Community Services in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to decline a DPPO request in the event that:

(i)         analytical work does not warrant further consideration by the Licensing Committee and/or;

(ii)        the order does not have the support of West Mercia Police Authority.