Issue - meetings

Capital Programme - 2007/08 to 2009/10

Meeting: 21/02/2007 - Cabinet (Item 162)

162 Capital Programme 2007/2008 to 2009/2010 pdf icon PDF 189 KB

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Having considered a report on the Capital Programme for 2007/2008 to 2009/2010, it was



(a)       that the Capital Programme for 2007/1008 to 2009/2010 as detailed in paragraph 9.2 of the report comprising the continuation of existing schemes and the new “High” priority capital schemes contained in Appendix A to the report be approved;

(b)       that authority be delegated to the Head of Financial Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and the relevant Head of Service in relation to individual projects, to release capital funds subject to the receipt of a robust business case and an options appraisal demonstrating that the Council is achieving value for money;

(c)        that the capital budgets for the Dolphin Centre and leisure related schemes totalling £1,244,000 be removed from the Revised Capital Programme for 2006/2007 whilst consideration is being given to alternative ways of providing these services;

(d)       that the carry forward of the estimated under spent budgets totalling £2,233,000 from 2006/2007 to 2007/2008 as detailed in Appendix B to the report be approved;

(e)       that the removal of the Swanslength play area refurbishment capital scheme of £40,000 from the 2006/2007 Revised Capital Programme be approved.