Issue - meetings

Integrated Finance & Performance Report (March 2010)

Meeting: 17/05/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 6)

6 Performance Report (March 2010) pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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The Board considered the Performance Report for March 2010.  Members noted that there was a 9% decrease in the percentage of performance indicators that had met their target at the year end.  After discussion it was agreed that the Director of PPP would investigate this and include his findings in the Performance Report for the Board meeting on 14th June 2010.


The Board gave particular consideration to the Dolphin Centre usage which had been highlighted as an area of potential concern in the report.  The Director of PPP confirmed that the management of the Dolphin Centre had been transferred to the Leisure Trust with effect from 1st April 2010 and Members agreed that it would be useful to receive further information on performance indicators, pre and post handover.  After further discussion it was agreed that the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services, together with the Portfolio Holder for Community Services be invited to a future meeting of the Board, to provide a report and feedback on this item.


Members shared their concern over the total value of Housing Benefit overpayments outstanding at the start of the quarter.  After discussion it was agreed that the Director of PPP would provide a more detailed explanation of this item together with a comparative figure for the previous year, in the Performance Report for the Board meeting on 14th June 2010.


The Board discussed item SC4, Sports Development Usage and were advised that a review of Sports Development had been included in the Scrutiny Board Work Programme and the Scrutiny Board would receive an initial report from the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services in the autumn.


The Director of PPP confirmed that the Head of Environmental Services and the Portfolio Holder for Community Services would be asked to provide a Lessons Learnt Report in respect of the implementation of the new recycling arrangements for presentation to the Board meeting to be held on 14th June 2010.



(a)               that it be noted that 49% of performance indicators are stable or improving;

(b)               that it be noted that 69% of performance indicators that have a target have met their target at the year end (compared to 78% in 2008/09);

(c)               that the performance figures for March 2010 as set out in Appendix 2 are noted;

(d)               that the particular areas of improvement as summarised in section 4.2 are noted; and

(e)               that the performance indicators of particular concern as set out in section 4.3 are noted.