Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy

Meeting: 19/04/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 96)

96 Housing Strategy - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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The Strategic Housing Manager provided the Board with background information on the Housing Strategy 2006-2011.  The Board discussed the following points in more detail:

  • Supplementary Planning Document
  • Development of a Countywide Strategy, which the local action plan would sit beneath. 
  • Homes and Communities Agency
  • The definition of “needs” referred to housing across all tenures and house conditions.  The Research and Intelligence Officer from the county undertook an annual assessment and analysis for all six districts and in that process identified various issues, including backlog and newly formed households, together with supply of houses and number of units developed each year.  The methodology used followed the Government recommended formula.
  • Choice Based Letting as a process for allocation of housing to those most in need.
  • Energy efficiency and funding from Scottish Power Trust in particular for mobile homes. A Member of the Board informed the Strategic Housing Manager that Scottish Power have specifically provided funding for mobile homes locally (possibly Coventry) and the Strategic Housing Manager agreed to make further enquiries in this respect.
  • The provision of Act on Energy advice sessions in the Bromsgrove area would be included within the Climate Change Strategy.  The draft Strategy would be available by June 2010.
  • Tackling fuel poverty in relation to national indicators, the inclusion of private homes and means testing, together with any link in Bromsgrove to winter deaths.
  • The detrimental effect on the surrounding area of long term empty properties and powers available.
  • Consideration of home share and co-housing options in the district.  The Strategic Housing Manager confirmed that his Team was currently looking at home share for non-priority homeless or younger people.



(a)       that progress made and detailed within the Mid Term Review Housing            Strategy Action Plan be noted; and

(a)       that Officers be supported in their endeavour to fine-tune the methodology to ensure that housing needs are prioritised as opposed to housing demands.