Issue - meetings

Hewell Grange Conservation Area

Meeting: 15/04/2010 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 32)

32 Hewell Grange Conservation Area pdf icon PDF 75 KB

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The Working Party considered a report on the possible designation, under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, of a new Hewell Grange Conservation Area to comprise the Hewell Estate including HMP Hewell and Tardebigge village. 


The Conservation Officer gave a presentation explaining the background to the proposal and an indication of the historic and architectural interest of the buildings and land proposed to be included within the Conservation Area. It was noted that a public consultation would be required on the proposed Conservation Area designation and on the Draft Character Appraisal which had been prepared.


During the discussion on this item Members requested officers to also consider ways in which legal requirements relating to existing Conservation Areas could be publicised, in particular the responsibilities of the owners of properties within those areas.


RESOLVED that a formal public consultation exercise be undertaken in respect of the proposed designation of Hewell Grange Conservation Area and the accompanying Draft Character Appraisal.