Issue - meetings

Housing Moratorium

Meeting: 15/04/2010 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 31)

31 Managing Housing Supply SPG10 pdf icon PDF 88 KB


The Working Party considered a report on housing supply issues within the District following the publication of the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) Panel Report and the subsequent implications for SPG 10.


It was reported that following the recommendations of the RSS Panel Report, the Council was required to plan for the delivery of 4,000 homes through the Core Strategy. It was also reported that the Council at present only had a 2.15 years supply of land for housing and therefore was not in a position to refuse small scale non strategic windfall development on the grounds of housing over supply. This situation had been confirmed at a recent planning appeal. Following discussion it was


RECOMMENDED   that the housing moratorium be lifted and that SPG 10 Managing Housing Supply be revoked.