Issue - meetings

Core Strategy Update

Meeting: 15/04/2010 - Local Development Framework Working Party (Item 29)

29 Core Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 122 KB


The Working Party considered a report which gave an update on issues relating to the preparation of the Draft Core Strategy, joint working with Redditch Borough Council and progress on consultations relating to Redditch growth.


In particular officers referred to over 300 responses which had been received (by both Councils) following the programme of consultation events. There had also been a generally positive meeting with the Planning Inspectorate to review work undertaken to date in relation to the preparation of the two Core Strategies and advice had been received on how to further progress this.


Members referred to the successful operation of the Joint Planning Advisory Panel and expressed the hope that the current Chairman of the Panel would continue to fulfil this role. The Executive Director (Planning, Regeneration, Regulatory and Housing) undertook to follow up this matter.


The Strategic Planning Manager referred to the possibility of arranging a further workshop, involving Members, in relation to work being undertaken by the Advisory Team for Large Applications and to proposed dates for “drop in” sessions for informal discussions with Members. These proposals were welcomed by the Working Party.



(a)       that the progress made in relation to the preparation of the Core Strategy be noted;

(b)       that the progress made on joint working with Redditch Borough Council and the initial findings from the joint Redditch Growth consultation be noted.