Issue - meetings

Verbal update on the Chairman's Quarterly Meeting with the Leader

Meeting: 27/04/2010 - Overview Board (Item 73)

Verbal update on the Chairman's Quarterly Meeting with the Leader


The Chairman advised that the reason for the Chairman’s quarterly meeting with the Leader was to maintain a regular update between the Boards and the Cabinet in order to make the Overview and Scrutiny process more effective.  The following issues had been discussed:


  • The attendance of portfolio holders at task group and Board meetings.  It was confirmed that since this meeting had taken place, portfolio holders had attended meetings.
  • A better definition and understanding of the respective roles of both the Overview and Scrutiny Boards.
  • Pressure on officer time, particularly in respect of attendance at task group meetings.  The Scrutiny Officer confirmed that this should be addressed as part of the planning of the new Work Programme.  The Corporate Management Team had already been approached in respect of topics and suitable dates for investigation, for inclusion in the Work Programmes and planning.
  • The need to build upon a strategic approach to work planning and plan over a longer period, to consider fewer items, and to focus on “high value” investigations with a clearer purpose.  The inclusion of terms of reference for each topic would be essential in focusing the Boards.
  • The Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report


The Chairman reminded Members that if there was any particular item they wished to be raised at future meetings with the Leader, the Scrutiny Officer should be contact in the first instance to ensure that these were passed on.