The Cabinet considered a report on the arguments for and against Bromsgrove town seeking Fairtrade status. The Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board had received a public petition entitled ”Fairtrade Bromsgrove”, where it had been agreed that the Cabinet should receive a full report from the Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships on the full cost implications of supporting Fairtrade Status for Bromsgrove town. Following further discussion on the resourcing impact on officers and the area defined as Bromsgrove town, it was
(a) that the Council supports Fairtrade, and
(b) that, by supporting Fairtrade, the Council works with the Fairtrade Bromsgrove Steering Group on working with local businesses on stocking and serving Fairtrade products, works with the Fairtrade Bromsgrove Steering Group on working with local employers on using Fairtrade products, works with the Fairtrade Bromsgrove Steering Group on a PR and marketing campaign to promote awareness and understanding of Fairtrade and generally supports the Fairtrade Bromsgrove Steering Group.