Issue - meetings

Improvement Plan Exception Report (February 2010)

Meeting: 19/04/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 97)

97 Improvement Plan Exception Report (February 2010) pdf icon PDF 132 KB


The Board considered the Improvement Plan Exception Report for February 2010.  Members discussed CP1: Town Centre, 1.1 Area Action Plan and agreed to ask for further information from the relevant Executive Director.


Members discussed in detail CP3: Sense of Community, 3.3.6 Develop and roll out Equality data monitoring process.  The Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships gave background information on this and confirmed that the pilot scheme had identified the potential enormity of the work involved in producing this information on a monthly basis.  It would be more practical to produce an annual report and this option was being considered.



(a)       that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception Report together with the corrective action being taken by noted;

(b)       that it be noted that for the 77 actions highlighted for February within the plan 66.2% of the Improvement Plan is on target (green), 5.2% is one month behind (amber) and 5.2% is over one month behind (red).  23.4% of actions have been reprogrammed or suspended with approval; and

(c)        that a highlight report on the Town Centre be provided by the Executive Director (Planning and Regeneration, Regulation and Housing Services) together with the relevant Portfolio Holder, and that this be presented to the  Performance Management Board meeting on 17th May 2010.