Issue - meetings

Cabinet Response to the Older People's Task Group

Meeting: 30/03/2010 - Overview Board (Item 62)

62 Cabinet Response to the Older People's Task Group pdf icon PDF 81 KB


The Chairman thanked Councillor Mrs. M. Sherrey, Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, Older People and the Vulnerable for attending the meeting in order to present the Recommendations agreed by Cabinet on 3rd March 2010, to the Overview Board.  The Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, Older People and the Vulnerable thanked the Task Group for the hard work that had been involved in preparing the report which contained achievable recommendations.  The Board discussed the Cabinet Response in detail.  The Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, Older People and the Vulnerable, together with the Director of Policy, Performance and Partnership provided updates on several recommendations and the Board made the following comments:


  • Recommendation 1(a) UK Older People’s Day – The Member/officer working group would be set up in early April 2010 by the Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships, in preparation for UK Older People’s Day which would be held in October 2010.
  • Recommendation 2 Free Swimming at the Dolphin Centre – the Scrutiny Officer was asked to check with the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services as to when work would commence on the funding bid.
  • Recommendation 3 Gym Facilities at the Dolphin Centre – the Scrutiny Officer was asked to contact the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services for confirmation of the implementation date.
  • Recommendation 4 Community Transport Services (BURT) & Recommendation 5 The Trunk – The Head of Community Services now had responsibility for these items.
  • Recommendation 6 Older People’s Strategy for Worcestershire – After discussion it was agreed that there would be some slippage on this item and the implementation date was moved to June 2010.  It was agreed that when the draft Strategy goes out to consultation, it would be brought before the Overview Board to provide the Council’s response.
  • Recommendation 7 Mapping Exercise – This would be picked up by the working group as detailed at Recommendation 1.
  • Recommendation 8 Older People’s A-Z Directory – Funding had been agreed for this project and the Directory would be launched at an Older People’s Day event in October 2010.
  • Recommendation 9(b) Information Management – This would be picked up when the new Head of Customer Service was appointed.
  • Recommendation 10 Older People’s Champions – Further research on funding of this item would be undertaken and then go live in October 2011.  Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships would be the lead officer.
  • Recommendations 11 and 12 Older People’s Housing Strategy for Worcestershire and Housing – It was agreed the Scrutiny Officer would check the implementation dates with the Lead Officer, the Strategic Housing Manager.
  • Recommendation 13 Lifeline – This item was discussed in detail and Members were advised that information on the Performance Indicator for this was provided to the Performance Management Board on a regular basis.
  • Recommendation 14 Benefit Service – The Mosaic would be used to target specific segments of the population and information on the Benefits Service would also be included in the Older People’s A-Z Directory.
  • Recommendation 15 Employment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62