Issue - meetings

Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2008/2009

Meeting: 15/03/2010 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 38)

38 Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2008/2009 pdf icon PDF 63 KB

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The Chairman welcomed Ms. L. Cave, District Auditor and Ms. J. Hill, Audit Manager with the Audit Commission.  Ms. L. Cave presented the Annual Audit and Inspection letter 2008/2009.


On presenting the report Ms. Cave included an overall summary of the Audit Commission’s assessment of the Council, highlighting that it was the first year the Council had been assessed using the more demanding and more outcome focused approach to Use of Resources.  The report drew from information contained within the recent Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) together with the findings of other inspections undertaken since the previous letter in 2009. 


The findings of the report recognised that the Council had made significant progress in improving service delivery and performance management over the last few years and that the formal engagement process that had been in place was no longer necessary.


Ms. L Cave referred to the retrospective capitalisation directive that the Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources was seeking from Central Government, the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG).  Ms. L. Cave had requested that the Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources liaised with the Audit Commission with regards to the specific wording of the directive that the funds were carried forward from the Financial Statements for 2008/2009 to 2009/2010. 


In addition the report stated that the Council was progressing with shared services, had utilised funds to help provide housing and that Bromsgrove was a safer place to live.


RESOLVED the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter for 2008/2009 be accepted.