Issue - meetings

Motion Market Hall ? (Mrs McD)

Meeting: 17/03/2010 - Council (Item 109)

Motion - Market Hall

To consider the following motion submitted by Councillor Mrs. C. M. McDonald:-


“There is a growing ground swell of support opposing the demolition of the market hall and having regard to the fact that residents were never consulted over such a proposal; that this Council continues to operate and manage the Market Hall until Bromsgrove residents have been fully consulted regarding any regeneration of the site.”



Members considered the following motion submitted by Councillor Mrs. C. M. McDonald:


“There is a growing ground swell of support opposing the demolition of the market hall and having regard to the fact that residents were never consulted over such a proposal; that this Council continues to operate and manage the Market Hall until Bromsgrove residents have been fully consulted regarding any regeneration of the site.”


The motion was moved by Councillor Mrs. C. M. McDonald and seconded by Councillor C. J. K. Wilson.


During the debate the Vice-Chairman asked the public gallery to remain quiet.


On a requisition under Council Procedure Rule 17.5, the following details of voting on the motion were recorded:


For the motion: Councillors Mrs. A. E. Doyle, Ms. J. A. Marshall, Mrs. C. M. McDonald, P. M. McDonald, D. McGrath, E. J. Murray, D. L. Pardoe, S. P. Shannon and C. J. K. Wilson (9);


Against the motion: Councillors A. N. Blagg, Dr. D. W. P. Booth, Mrs. J. M. Boswell, Mrs. M. Bunker, S. R. Colella, R. J. Deeming, G. N. Denaro, J. T. Duddy, Mrs. J. Dyer M.B.E., D. Hancox, R. Hollingworth, Dr. G. H. Lord, Mrs. M. A. Sherrey JP, R. D. Smith, Mrs. C. J. Spencer, C. B. Taylor, E. C. Tibby, C. J. Tidmarsh, M. J. A. Webb and P. J. Whittaker (20);


Abstentions: Councillors Ms. H. J. Jones, Mr. J. D. Luck and S. R. Peters (3).


Accordingly the Vice-Chairman declared the motion to be LOST.