Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/03/2010 - Council (Item 108)

Motion - Market Hall

To consider the following motion submitted by Councillor P. M. McDonald:-


“To many the market hall is part of Bromsgrove’s heritage which makes it stand out from other towns. If the market hall is lost and gone forever so will so much associated with it. Therefore any regeneration of the Market Hall Site includes within it a Market Hall.”


Members considered the following motion submitted by Councillor P. M. McDonald:


“To many the market hall is part of Bromsgrove’s heritage which makes it stand out from other towns. If the market hall is lost and gone forever so will so much associated with it. Therefore any regeneration of the Market Hall Site includes within in a Market Hall.”


The motion was moved by Councillor P. M. McDonald and seconded by Councillor E. J. Murray.


An amendment was moved by Councillor R. Hollingworth and seconded by Councillor G. N. Denaro that the last sentence be replaced to read “Therefore any regeneration of the Market Hall Site should consider the inclusion of a Market Hall as one of the options.”


On a requisition under Council Procedure Rule 17.5, the following details of voting on the amendment were recorded:


For the amendment: Councillors A. N. Blagg, Dr. D. W. P. Booth, Mrs. J. M. Boswell, Mrs. M. Bunker, S. R. Colella, R. J. Deeming, G. N. Denaro, J. T. Duddy, Mrs. J. Dyer M.B.E., D. Hancox, R. Hollingworth, Ms. H. J. Jones, Dr. G. H. Lord, S. R. Peters, Mrs. M. A. Sherrey JP, R. D. Smith, Mrs. C. J. Spencer, C. B. Taylor, E. C. Tibby, C. J. Tidmarsh, M. J. A. Webb and P. J. Whittaker (22);


Against the amendment: Councillors Mrs. A. E. Doyle, Mrs. J. D. Luck, Ms. J. A. Marshall, Mrs. C. M. McDonald, P. M. McDonald, D. McGrath, E. J. Murray, D. L. Pardoe, S. P. Shannon and C. J. K. Wilson (10).


Accordingly the Vice-Chairman declared the amendment to be CARRIED whereupon it became the substantive motion.


On a requisition under Council Procedure Rule 17.5, the following details of voting on the substantive motion were recorded:


For the substantive motion: Councillors A. N. Blagg, Dr. D. W. P. Booth, Mrs. J. M. Boswell, Mrs. M. Bunker, S. R. Colella, R. J. Deeming, G. N. Denaro, J. T. Duddy, Mrs. J. Dyer M.B.E., D. Hancox, R. Hollingworth, Ms. H. J. Jones, DR. G. H. Lord, S. R. Peters, Mrs. M. A. Sherrey JP, R. D. Smith, Mrs. C. J. Spencer, C. B. Taylor, E. C. Tibby, C. J. Tidmarsh, M. J. A. Webb and P. J. Whittaker (22);


Against the substantive motion: Councillors Mrs. A. E. Doyle, Mrs. J. D. Luck, Ms. J. A. Marshall, Mrs. C. M. McDonald, P. M. McDonald, D. McGrath, E. J. Murray, D. L. Pardoe, S. P. Shannon, and C. J. K. Wilson (10).


Accordingly the Vice-Chairman declared the substantive motion CARRIED.