Issue - meetings

Verbal updates on progress of Scrutiny Task Groups (to be given by the Task Group Chairmen)

Meeting: 30/03/2010 - Overview Board (Item 63)

Verbal update on progress of Community Involvement in Local Democracy Task Group (Task Group Chairman: Councillor L. J. Turner)


The Chairman of the Community Involvement in Local Democracy Task Group advised Members that the Task Group had held a further 3 meetings and the following witnesses had been questioned:


  • Parish Council Chairman
  • Representatives from the Artrix Centre
  • Portfolio Holder for Resources
  • A representative from County Council Extended Services
  • County Council Citizens Advisor
  • Portfolio Holder for One Community


It was anticipated that the draft report would be presented to the Task Group at a final meeting in mid April and then brought before the Overview Board at the meeting to be held on 27th April 2010.


The Board discussed the areas covered by the Task Group and possible outcomes from it.  Members thanked the Chairman for the comprehensive update.