Issue - meetings

Comprehensive Area Assessment - Organisational Assessment

Meeting: 15/02/2010 - Performance Management Board (Item 78)

78 Comprehensive Area Assessment - Organisational Assessment pdf icon PDF 80 KB

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The Board considered the Audit Commission’s Organisational Assessment of the Council report and agreed that it was very positive.  Members commented on the following issues:

  • Maximising involvement by all councillors – this had been addressed through the Overview and Scrutiny Boards
  • Not done enough to meeting the needs of the growing number of older people – this has subsequently been addressed through the Older People Task Group.


Members then discussed the Overview & Scrutiny process and the positive work that the Boards were now doing and the work being carried out through the task groups.  Concerns were discussed around the workload that the task groups put on officers and Members felt it was important that the appropriate support was provided wherever possible.


The Board asked for further information on the outcome of the survey to 4,000 people receiving benefits and the current position regarding the watercourse and flooding group.  The Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships undertook to investigate the position on these matters and report back to Members.


The Director of Policy, Performance and Partnerships advised Members that the next Organisational Assessment would be completed by the Audit Commission at the close of the Municipal year and the results published in December 2010.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.